Copyright      Wrentham Parish Council

Welcome to Wrentham


St. Nicholas Church: on the Beccles Road at Guildhall Corner.

(See:   A history of St. Nicholas)

Parochial Church Council Secretary: Dr Nigel Drane

Tel:  01502 675623

Church Warden: Mrs Lindsay Hanger

Tel: 01502 675766

Times of services can be  found in the Wren Magazine which can be purchased from ‘Wrentham Stores’, in the High Street, for the sum of 20p and on the Home Page of this website

This magazine is also a source of information for local events. It can be delivered to residents of the village once a month for an annual fee.

The United Reformed Church: Chapel Road.

The Reverend Ian Fosten.

Tel: 01502 562768

#TheUnitedReform CHURCHES