Copyright      Wrentham Parish Council

Welcome to Wrentham

Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Wrentham Parish Council

held at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 16th May 2016

Present: The Chairman – Mr David Reeves

Councillors – Mr Mark Buxton, Miss Alison Evans, Mr David Fletcher, Mrs Lucinda Hutson, Mrs Caroline Grantham, Mr Roger Middleditch, Mr Keith Perry, Mr Paul Tyack, Mr Ian Watson.

The Clerk – Mrs Frances Bullard

Suffolk Police – not present

Suffolk County Council – Cllr Tony Goldson

Waveney District Council – Cllr Craig Rivett

                                5 members of public at start of meeting



The Chairman welcomed all and invited members of public to speak about any matter for a maximum of 5 minutes.

A member of public spoke re lack of a pavement on the top end of Chapel Road.  She regularly attends church with her grandchildren in pushchairs and feels this is dangerous.  A pavement was provided on Southwold Road to allow pedestrians safe access to the public house and she feels the same should be done on Chapel Road, or at least for the speed limit to be reduced.  The Chairman said this has been raised on many occasions and we have tried to have the speed limit reduced.  Mr Buxton said when Mr Kerridge, Highways Manager, visited the village he spoke of historic documents which show the as having a 30mph limit and thought perhaps this could be reinstated.  The Clerk will contact Mr Kerridge to ask if this is possible.

A member of public spoke about the draft minutes and felt it useful that they are available on the website.

A member of public spoke re having met with Simon Mortimer of WDC following her complaint re refuse lorries dropping rubbish and litter.  A memo has now gone to all refuse lorry drivers asking them to ensure curtains are shut and that no loose rubbish can fall from their lorry.  She also spoke to Mr Mortimer re the state of the children’s playground and the grass has since been cut.  She thanked Cllr Goldson for putting her in touch with Mr Mortimer.

A member of public spoke about the local refuse recycling centre at Gisleham, she feels it is understaffed which leads to flytipping.  Her husband had to queue for 45 minutes today and this cannot be good for the environment.  She also feels the site could be better signposted.

A member of public spoke re the former District Councillor not attending PC Meetings – she looks forward to meeting Cllr Rivett and hopes to see him more often.

A member of public spoke re Meadowlands development and asked if any more has been heard about the sale of social housing to WDC.  Cllr Rivett will seek an update. The member of public went on to speak about Mr Parker’s ongoing right of way issue – Cllr Rivett said dates have been agreed to meet with Mr Parker to progress this matter.

A member of public spoke re 26 High Street – he noted that paint marks have appeared on the pavement and hopes this means progress is being made as this has been being discussed at PC Meetings for some 4 years.

A member of public spoke re speeding – whilst he was happy to pay more Council Tax to support the purchase of VAS he is concerned they have not changed anything.  He would like to see a traffic survey done with the cameras in place to measure their impact.  Cllr Goldson spoke re a new camera which is being trialled in Gloucester, it identifies persistent speeders and offenders receive a visit from Police, this cannot be used for prosecutions though.

The Open Forum closed.


 All as Sole Trustee of the Village Hall.

Mrs Hutson – item 11.1



Apologies for absence were received & accepted from Mrs Wilson & Mr Goldsmith.



 Mr Watson was nominated by Mr Perry & seconded by Mr Tyack, all in favour.  Mr Watson said he was happy to accept & thanked Mr Reeves for

his service & support.  



 Mr Reeves was nominated by Mr Fletcher & seconded by Mrs Hutson, all in favour.  Mr Reeves said he was happy to take this role to support the Chairman.



 The Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer acts as Treasurer.  Proposed by Mr Watson & seconded by Mr Perry, all in favour.



 All existing members were happy to remain and no other councillors wished to join therefore the committee will remain as Mr Watson, Mr Reeves, Mr Perry, Mrs Hutson & Mr Fletcher.  All in favour.


 Mr Reeves was nominated by Mr Watson & seconded by Mr Fletcher, Mr Perry was nominated by Mr Middleditch & seconded by Mr Fletcher, all in favour.   


 Current signatories are Mr Watson, Mr Reeves & Mrs Hutson , Mr Perry proposed this remains unchanged, seconded by Mr Fletcher, all in favour.



 Declarations of Acceptance of Office were signed by the Chairman & Vice Chairman and countersigned by The Clerk.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th April 2016, having previously been circulated, were proposed as a true record by Mrs Hutson & seconded by Mr Middleditch, all in favour.  A copy was signed by The Chairman.

The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 18th April 2016, having previously been circulated, were proposed as a true record by Mrs Grantham & seconded by Mr Perry, all in favour.  A copy was signed by The Chairman.  



The Clerk read a Police Report for the previous year.  She will circulate and display in full on the noticeboard and website.


There remains one Casual vacancy – Please continue to suggest becoming a Councillor to any interested residents.


No updates.  It was agreed to remove this from the Agenda unless there are specific updates or issues.


Proposals have been revised and now recommend that 8 firefighters and a rapid response vehicle are located at Wrentham.  SCC Cabinet will meet tomorrow to vote on these proposals.  Cllr Goldson said the Parish Council can take some credit for the change to proposals for the way they responded to the consultation and encouraged residents to do the same by holding public meetings.


  16.1  VAS Monthly Data - Mr Buxton has issued data from the last 2 weeks. The Clerk will share this with Police.  The signs have been back to Westcotec for recalibration and some ‘tweaks’, they now seem more responsive.  There is a slight increase in figures across the board.

    16.2.1 Cllr Goldson spoke about Latitude Festival – the organisers have been required to fund speed enforcement on the A145 this year.  Mr Buxton will ensure VAS are in right locations to monitor impact in Wrentham during the festival.

    16.2.3  The Clerk has contacted SCC who advise ‘Kill Your Speed’ signs have now been ordered.  They have also advised that 30mph repeater signs cannot be used within street lit areas.  Councillors asked that The Clerk seeks clarification as to why this is.


   17.2  Account received from Bus Shelter Cleaner - £55

   17.3  Clerks salary & expenses - £184.14 & £37.74  

   17.4  HMRC payment - £46

   17.5  Account received from Mrs Perry for Queen’s 90th Birthday celebration - £100

   17.6  Any other accounts received -

     17.6.1  Account received from SALC for membership - £366.10

Above payments 17.2 to 17.6.1 proposed by Mrs Hutson & seconded by Mr Fletcher.  All in favour.  The Clerk explained that Barclays have still not issued a new cheque book, this has been chased on 4 occasions & The Clerk has visited the branch twice.  It has now been escalated to complaint level and The Clerk hopes to have a cheque book in a few days, she will then visit Mr Reeves & Mr Watson for signatures – All in favour.  Mrs Hutson asked if we will be fined by HMRC for late payment, The Clerk will ensure payment is made asap.

   17.7  External Audit – Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement reviewed section by section & completed by The Chairman.  Approval proposed by Mrs Hutson, seconded by Mr Tyack, All in favour.  Section 1 signed by The Chairman and Clerk.  Section 2 – Accounting Statement – figures as per accounts prepared by Internal Auditor – Figure in fixed assets will tally with Fixed Asset Register which was reviewed and updated by Finance Committee.  Approval proposed by Mrs Grantham and seconded by Mr Perry, all in favour.  Section 2 signed by The Chairman and Clerk.  The clerk will collate supporting data and return papers to BDO Auditors.


  18.1  Email from Mr Tyack re Dog Fouling – Mr Tyack has received several complaints re dog fouling from residents via the Wrentham 0018.2    18.2  Community Facebook page.  He has been in touch with WDC who have cleaned problem areas and agreed to increase dog warden patrols.  They suggested use of ‘We’re Watching You’ posters – these glow in the dark – Mr Tyack asked for Councillors views.  Mr Reeves said it is an ongoing problem, the vast majority of dog owners are responsible and clear up after their dogs but others continue to cause problems.  It was decided the posters would not be used at present.  Mr Tyack shared a number which issues/offenders can be reported to 01502 562111 - The Clerk will share this number via the website.

    18.2.1  Any other correspondence received –

An invitation has been received to The Southwold Mayors Civic Reception – as The Chairman and Vice Chairman are unable to attend The Clerk will send apologies.

    18.2.2  An email was received from Mr Brewster in America, his family have historic links to the village, they plan to visit in September & would like to visit the church and chapel.  Mr Reeves will be away but will liaise and put them in touch with Miss Evans and Mrs Carter.


  19.1  Any further Planning Applications Received –

    19.1.1  DC/16/1021 & 1022 – The Limes, High Street – these applications have been withdrawn.


  20.1  The Clerk to arrange a meeting of the Parish Council as Sole Trustees of the Village Hall and the Village Hall Management Committee at 6.30pm prior to the PC Meeting on 20th June 2016.

   20.2  The Clerk advised she will be on unavailable from 21-28 May.

   20.3  Mr Reeves confirmed he has ordered Summer bedding plants for the Jubilee planters – these will be delivered at the end of May/early June.

   20.4 Miss Evans said she is collecting plastic bottle and jar tops for East Anglia Air Ambulance – please bring any you can to the next meeting.

  20.5  Mr Buxton spoke re the footpath which runs from London Road to the play area – this is very overgrown – Mr Tyack will raise with Waveney Norse on Thursday.

  20.6 A member of public spoke re sewerage overflow in The Lane – both pumps failed which resulted in raw sewage coming out.  Mr Reeves confirmed this was on 27th April and he reported the problem to Anglian Water as his toilet was backed up and there is no early warning system in place on the pumps.  The Clerk to contact Anglian Water to see if a system of early warning can be installed on the pumps.


Monday 20th June 2016 – 7.30pm (Preceded by a Meeting with VHMC as Sole Trustees of  Village Hall at 6.30pm)

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.22pm